

Raw materials
ChampFood International only works with reliable and respected suppliers. All ChampFood ingredients are subject to frequent quality control inspections. Our suppliers are well aware of our testing-practices and therefore supply us with ingredients that comply with our specifications. To avoid contamination, we manage the transportation of incoming raw materials ourselves. Our drivers conduct an organoleptic test at the premises of our suppliers to determine the structure, colour and any contamination of raw materials. The protein, moisture and residues levels are analysed when the materials arrive at our production plant. These samples are tested using an NIR analyser in our own laboratory.
Specialised plant and in-house storage
ChampFood International produces mushroom supplements in its own specialised plant, located in Vierlingsbeek, the Netherlands. The plant only produces ChampFood mushroom supplements. This enables us to produce a uniform, free-flowing, non-dusty product in a time-efficient manner. We can also create customised products. The silos and production lines are thoroughly cleaned between different production batches to prevent the accumulation of moulds. All our ingredients are stored in separate silos to avoid cross contamination. This eliminates the risk of contamination with other raw materials and products.
Track-and-trace system
Full tracking and tracing of our raw materials, final products and manufacturing processes is possible. Every packaged supplement is marked with a unique identification number, making your ChampFood product traceable from raw material to final product. Our manufacturing process is fully automated and requires only a minimum of human interceptions. This results in lower unit labour costs and therefore creates savings for you.
Research & Development
ChampFood International has its own professional laboratory. All our raw materials and final products are frequently tested and analysed. We also sometimes test new products and raw materials at a commercial mushroom farm. This farm (12 growing rooms of 320 m2) provides the opportunity to trial our standard and experimental products in practical conditions. All observations and findings are registered accurately to provide reliable data for the development of new ChampFood products.

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